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Strawberries require a fair amount of maintenance to produce a good crop. You can maximize yields by continually renewing your strawberry bed with new plants. Plants bear in their second season. First I selected a site that offers full sun and good drainage and air circulation, the area which was used was the area behind Mr. Eusantos classroom, right next to the green house. In spring of the first year, pick off blossoms to prevent fruiting and encourage production of healthy plants. Once we had found the appropriate area, we wet the dirt, and make rows with the tractor to put the plants. When we are adding rows, plastic cover is also being put on at the same time. Once does beds are put on, you use the "little ladder" to make holes on the plastic with a good amount of space. I then planted the strawberries in the holes and watered every day to make sure they get water. I also fertilized them so that they get nutrients. Every day I owuld make sure that the area surrounding the starwberries were weed free. In the mornings, I would get little trays, and go harvest the strawberries, and pick them every morning. I would then wash them and take them to the main office to sell. Every day at least 4 trays would get sold. It was a successful year because the harvest came out right. Thanks to dedication evryday, the strawbeeries came out delicious!

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